How to choose a business card

How to choose a business card

Modern advertising is a wide range of different methods, among which business cards occupy a special place. And this is not at all surprising, since they have many advantages.

About the benefits

What are the benefits of business cards? In short, they are as follows:

Opportunity to summarize the most important information.

A business card is a vivid reflection of a business idea.

The exchange of business cards contributes to the establishment of business ties.

The compact size allows you to always carry business cards with you.

Affordable creation cost.

Long service life.

All these advantages make many think about how to choose the right business card so that it is perfect.

What to consider when choosing

Yes, choosing a business card is not as simple a process as it might seem at first. It is necessary to think over a lot of nuances, the most important of which are the following:

Color palette.




It is these four aspects that play a major role when you need to design a business card so that it fully meets all the requirements of the business owner.

So, the color palette implies that colors such as red, green, blue are optimal for business card design. However, we must not forget that the color palette should also match the brand of your business.

If we talk about the choice of material, then there are not many options and only one rule - the paper should be as dense as possible! This will not only extend the life of the business card, but will also indicate a serious attitude towards your own brand. That is why many companies make their business cards not from paper, but from plastic.

And yes, the appearance of a business card is of course important. However, when the first visual impression passes, there comes a moment when a person looks closely at the contents of the business card. From this it follows that the information that will be present on the business card should be thought out to the smallest detail. After all, a person, picking up a business card, should immediately understand what kind of goods and services they are talking about. Therefore, a large number of abstract and unnecessary images will be a serious disadvantage. They will only take up precious space on an already small sheet of paper.

At the same time, you should not be too zealous with useful information, since extreme things can also become a serious “pest”. It is better to leave free space than to overdo it with information content.

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