

Digital printing

Printing technologies are developing rapidly in our time. There are new ways and methods. However, the most popular now digital and offset printing. What are they and what is the difference between them? Let's analyze this issue in more detail.


How to choose a business card

Modern advertising is a wide range of different methods, among which business cards occupy a special place. And this is not at all surprising, since they have many advantages.


What is a plotter

Modern users can use both primitive matrix devices and super-class 3D printers. However, even now, many do not know what a plotter is, although many use such an apparatus.

News and articles of our company

We have created this section to inform our clients about the news and interesting events that take place in the company. We periodically hold various interesting events - exhibitions and presentations, during which potential buyers can get first-hand comprehensive answers to their questions regarding our products and services. For those who, for one reason or another, avoid personal communication, we publish in this section of our website reviews of the products offered, tips for choosing them and available instructions for use. We hope that here you will find information about the products manufactured by the company that interests you.

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